all possible doubts are resolved with available sources (both printed and electronic) or specialists’ help; texts are translated by me only and proofread at least twice as to their conformity with the original and rules of the target language
this aspect, oft-neglected as it is, should be given the same priority as correctness, for it is central to every text
no matter how time-consuming a translation may be, the deadlines are always kept. This applies to the agreed pay as well, which depends on a text’s technicality, volume and deadline
From case reports to pharmaceutical patents, product leaflets and literature screening: all of these require a unique approach to translation.
By attention to detail I help my clients communicate and connect users of Polish with the English-speaking world.
It would be a pleasure for me to help in your translation needs in medicine, pharmaceuticals, chemistry and patent documents
Piotr Paryzek, Ph.D.